REenforcing direct democracy in BELarus – REBEL

Thanks to the support of Visegrad fund we have started the implementation of the project “REinforcing direct democracy in BELarus” by transferring the good practice from V4 countries.

By the strategies of knowledge transfer REBEL supports local players active in BY civic society on both sides (governmental and civic) towards development of public oversight in civic issues such as local referendums, petitions, recalls. Via innovative and handy deliverables (Handbook for Civic Oversight, ON-LINE INTERFACE for sharing the good practice between V4 and BY, personal Round-Ups with stakeholders) the project delivers tailor-made solutions and recommendations for grass-rooted movements in order to rapidly increase the participation of BY citizens in decision-making and strengthen the process from governance to self-governance in local measures. Special accent is put at addressing local young people and establishing mutual sustainable communication between V4-BY.

The project is supported by Visegrad fund and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands.

Project was launched on April, 1, 2017.

Project partners

Viešoji įstaiga Smulkaus verslo dirbtuvė

Siec obywatelska – Watchdog Polska

Transparency International Magyarország Alapítvány

Transparency International – Česká republika

